Week 4: Activity 2


It was a dark, gloomy house with faded paint and chipped walls. It was always for lease; however, people found that renovation of the house would not work. It should just be torn down, many had thought. There was a rusty and black fence that lined the front of the house. The house was ugly with all of its features of dust, mold, and infestation. However, it was not always that way. It was owned by a small family of three; the mother and the father having respectable family names and occupations. Under their ownership, the house breathed magnificence with its vibrant colors and several house parties over the years. It was truly wonderful in all its glory. All of that changed when the family suddenly disappeared. Because of this strange incident, it was a daring move for children to go into the house on Halloween night. One year it was the anniversary of the family’s disappearance, and Ryan was dared by his friends to go into the house. Over the fence and through the front yard Ryan crept. He was hesitant; there was a drop in temperature as he approached the house. Ryan’s friends laughed at him; he was just too scared. Unexpectedly Ryan went into the house. Ryan’s friends freaked; he would usually never attempt something like this. They called for his name, but there was no response. However, there was a white silhouette banging and crying silently on the window. It was surrounded by three other silhouettes that where looking solemnly at the spot where Ryan’s friends stood twenty years ago.

The picture is from HiQ-Visions at https://pixabay.com/en/home-old-haunted-house-797031/

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